terça-feira, 30 de outubro de 2007

Tela Branca

Nesta tela o meu destino
Quero traçar.
Até agora cretino,
Está prestes a mudar.

Que alcançou
A minha sorte?
Tenho de ser forte,
O que passou, passou.

Esta hipótese foi-me dada
E garanto-te que
Não vai ser desperdiçada.

Irei melhorar
Tudo o que me apetecer.
Quando acabar,
O que irá acontecer?

Traço uma linha
Com um lápis afiado.
Mais uma e outra linha.
Não! Quero tudo apagado!

Não consigo decidir,
Que caminho seguir!

“O que obtiveste?”,
Esta pergunta tu fizeste.

Queres uma resposta franca?

Uma tela branca.

Cátia Ribeiro

segunda-feira, 29 de outubro de 2007

I need you...

I just wanted to say
That I need you…

I need you to be with me
When I’m happy…
When I’m sad…

I need you to wipe my tears,
To bring me up when I’m feeling down…

I need you to cheer up my life.
Everything’s so dark now…
I can’t see anything.

You’re my guiding light
Can’t you see that?

I need you,
But you don’t need me…
So what’s the point in saying that
I love you...?

Cátia Ribeiro

domingo, 28 de outubro de 2007

Sinto-me doente

Sinto-me doente.
Sinto-me doente
ao ponto de não conseguir explicar o que sinto.
Tenho algo que me incomoda constantemente:
não é dor, não chega a má disposição, não é nada. Minto.

Tenho de ir ao médico, estou preocupado.
Sinto-me doente, não me sinto bem.
Tenho de saber o que me tem alterado
a boa disposição, o estômago, o fígado, não sei...

Sinto facadas nos pulmões, aperta-se-me o coração.
"Trago a noite no meu peito", racha-se o meu crânio.
Deliro num arrepio. Inverno eterno, não sinto o Verão.
Intoxicando ao ritmo da música, esta mata-me como o pobre Urânio.

Já não sei o que digo, as palavras são flashes de memórias.
Balbuciando que nunca amei, que sou pedra.
Espero não morrer, sou novo e faltam-me histórias,
vive ao máximo e morre jovem não é a minha regra.

O mundo à minha volta torna-se negro,
fecho os olhos e tombo na poluição.
Choro, dentro do meu olhar cego,
e logo acordo. Não morri, não.

Mas sinto-me doente,
Sinto-me doente
ao ponto de não conseguir explicar o que sint

Manifesto Anti-Dantas

Bem, em honra às belas aulas de História do 12º, decidi postar aqui um excerto do "Manifesto Anti-Dantas" pelo "poeta d'Orpheu, futurista e tudo" José de Almada Negreiros. O texto integral poderão encontrá-lo no link:

"Basta pum basta!!!
Uma geração que consente deixar-se representar por um Dantas é uma geração que nunca o foi. É um coio d'indigentes, d'indignos e de cegos! É uma resma de charlatães e de vendidos, e só pode parir abaixo de zero!
Abaixo a geração!
Morra o Dantas, morra! Pim!
Uma geração com um Dantas a cavalo é um burro impotente! (...)
O Dantas é um cigano!
O Dantas é meio cigano!
O Dantas saberá gramática, saberá sintaxe, saberá medicina, saberá fazer ceias pra cardeais, saberá tudo menos escrever que é a única coisa que ele faz! (...)
O Dantas veste-se mal!
O Dantas usa ceroulas de malha! (...)
O Dantas é Dantas!
O Dantas é Júlio!
Morra o Dantas, morra! Pim! (...) "

sexta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2007


today was the day we were together again since June...
seeing so many known faces was so good.... being with my guys I felt like no time had passed...
it's true we are all changed, but deep down inside we still are the little girls who met each other eight years ago...
not everyone from the "gang" came, but you can be sure you were missed... 'cause nothing is the same without you guys...
I know now that no matter what happens, even if we spend years without seeing each other, the reunion moment will always, always, feel the same...
there will always be the shouting, the yelling, and the tight-hugs, and the little tear in the corner of an eye when we say goodbye again...
the moments we're together will always be remembered, even if we only have so much time to spend... it doesn't matter....
we will always be like a family, a family with many many sisters....
I will never ever forget you, I will always love you, and I wouldn't be the same if you guys hadn't been there...

Love you all so much,
a huge kiss of the size of the universe,
a friend who will never forget you...

Pequena mensagem, para ti, meu rapaz.

Desperdiças a tua vida com coisa supérfluas. Coisas que são tertúlias cor de rosa. Desperdiças a tua doença em ambientes doentios, fumo e álcool.
Tu tens um talento, não o de desconchavar vidas alheias, mas o da escrita. Trabalha para o fortalecer, fortalece-o para viver, vive para seres completo, completa-te para seres feliz.
Olha lá rapaz, tu não distingues o importante do secundário? Olha lá rapaz, tu já tiveste uma lição, dada por mim, quando feriste alguém, quando me feriste a mim. Mas agora não me feres, feres-te a ti. Olha lá rapaz, quem achas que quer o teu bem?

Vejo-te a não seres bom para ti mesmo. E tenho pena.
Terás a tua felicidade superficial mas nunca serás feliz se não seguires o caminho que uma vez, num Verão, trilhaste: o da auto realização.

Eduardo Rilhas

domingo, 21 de outubro de 2007

To my friends....

This post is dedicated to my best friends, my friends, all the people who've helped me through the last years...

I owe you a lot, so much that one hundred life times wouldn't be enough to pay it all back...
There's so much that I wanted to say right now, but I just can't find the words...
You've given me joy, happiness, some lessons in life and helped me see when everything was pitch black....
I couldn't have done it without you...
And still now, I know that you're there for me if I ever need anything...
I'm so grateful...
And remember "I'll be there for you,(...) 'cause you're there for me too".
I'll never, EVER, forget you.
I love you all

para ti katixa

só tu pa me obrigares a participar num blog k ainda por cima é eskrito em ingles.a menina é uma xata! ah e tens noção k n tenciono eskrever nada em ingles, senao era um atentado à língua!! o blog tá mto giro, mts coisas interessantes,..., digo eu..ainda n o li!!
maninha kátia diverte te a escrever baboseiras interessantes:), mas n kontes kmg. mts beijinhinhos!! ADORO-TE!! PORTE-SE BEM.

sábado, 20 de outubro de 2007

I knew it...

So, here's the deal...
My big brother visited my blog, read my posts...
Then he did exactly what I had predicted he'd do...
Lots of questions, a full inquirement...
By the way, in case you read this, I'm not complaining...
It was good...
A very productive conversation...
No irony.
And I'm very thankful that you're my big brother and I love you.
Just wanted you to know...

Luv to you all,

To Remember You

We’re together,
We’re away
But forever
Friends we remain.

I understand your point of view,
I understand your pain.
If you could only see,
You’d see you’re just like me.

Sometimes I’m not there.
Other times we’re apart.
But I just want you to know
You’re always in my heart.

Cátia Ribeiro

terça-feira, 16 de outubro de 2007


I know this is gonna sound really silly, childish and naive, but I wish I could go back to my childhood. I know it wasn't exactly the best childhood of mankind, but it beats where I am now. I can't stand this...
The way I'm feeling and not being able to tell because it would be inappropriate or selfish or mean, because society made up these stupid rules where people can no longer speak their minds freely, although our society preaches that we can. we can't! and we can't because we have to be considerative of other's feelings and what's right and wrong at the eyes of people who no longer live!!
If a child says something inappropriate everybody laughs at the child, with the child. because children don't know what's right and what's wrong! they don't have society's rules in them. they do what we're supposed to do. speak our minds.
so here it goes: I'm in love with you.
Just hoping you know it's you and that you feel the same way...

A friend from long ago...

What would you do if you had found a friend you haven't seen in years? one of those friends you thought you could always count on, would never let you down, that you could tell everything to. what would you do? it gave me an urge to talk to that friend again...
but then I remembered everything that friend put me through, how much that friend made me suffer...
will that friend be worth going through everything again in my mind, in my spirit?
is that so called friend worth it... :'(

lots of luv to all I can call my dear friends.

sábado, 13 de outubro de 2007

I've been really down this last week... got no idea why. I don't know if I like what I'm studying, and I'm afraid I'll discover at the middle of the semester that was a total mistake.
everybody at my school has been really cool to me, cheering me up and everything but... there's something inside of me that's not happy. And I can't tell my family this 'cause then they'd be very worried and wouldn't get off my back.
I just don't know what to do. I've never been good at dealing with my feelings 'cause I'm a very confused human being... so many feelings storming inside of me. don't know which one to pay attention to first.
I need some help. Urgently...

I'm going crazy...

The Real World

Today the morning dawned
Fresh, beautiful, with lots of colors,
Like red, orange and yellow.
It was really beautiful.

I opened my window
And smelled that fresh air.
I felt my lungs cleaning and
Refreshing themselves.

I could hear the birds,
Singing in the trees,
The dogs chasing the cats.
What harmony.

Then...then everything changed.
In a matter of seconds.
The sky was now dark red,
The trees were burned.

All that was left were
The bones of those animals...
And mine.

I realised that... that was
The real world. The reality.
All that I’d seen before
Was no more than a dream.

And I woke up,
Woke up to see this world destroyed.
It’s pure innocence gone.

Cátia Ribeiro

Letter to My Loved Ones

I’m writing this letter
To all the people I love
And all that love me.

I’m leaving this world
And I don’t know where
I’m going to.

Don’t be afraid.
I’m sure I’ll find my way
Into the other world.

It’s funny.
I thought I’d feel sad,
But I’m very happy.

I know that everyone I care about
Will be just fine.
I don’t need to worry.

But before I leave,
There’s something I need to tell you.
Despite everything that happened,
All the fights we had,,
I’ll never forget you
And I’ll always love you.

Cátia Ribeiro

Leave a word

Won’t you listen to me?
I’m trying to speak my mind,
To speak my heart.

When I first saw, I gotta admit,
I didn’t pay much attention.
You kinda passed me by.

And even after talking to you many times,
Getting to know you…
You still didn’t mean much to me.

Then how come I’m feeling this way
Now that you’re gone?

Is it just that I’m missing you,
Or is it something deeper that chose
Not to express itself when I had the chance?

If only I could be with you…
This time I’d say everything…
Wouldn’t leave a word behind…

Cátia Ribeiro

Scary thought…

Why must I feel all these
Emotions running through my veins
And not being able to do anything about them?

If I could I’d throw them all way
And hope I’d never have them back.

But the truth is
As scaring as all those emotions can be
Not having them at all…
Is a million times scarier.

Being hollow on the inside…
Not being able to be happy
Or even to fall in love…
Is scarier than anything in this world.

Cátia Ribeiro

terça-feira, 9 de outubro de 2007

I Wish…

I wish you were here,
Just holding me.
I wish I could feel your sweet lips
Touching mine.

I wish I could feel your warm skin
Against my own.
And then your fingers
Running through my body...

Oh! What a feeling!...
I wish I could be yours
And you could be mine.
I wish...

Oh.... wishes, wishes, wishes...
Damned wishes...
Is there ever gonna be a day
When my wishes will come true?

Cátia Ribeiro

Miles away

You’re standing in front of me,
I don’t know what’s on your mind.
Wish I did.

I’m looking deeper into your eyes,
Trying to read your mind.
Can’t do it.
It’s too closed.

I wanna reach into you,
Grasp all parts of you.
But how?

You’re in front of me,
But it’s like you’re miles away.
Cátia Ribeiro

sexta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2007

A poem???

Well, you must be wondering what a poem is doing on my blog.
The answer to that couldn't be simpler.
It's a very good way for me to express my feelings, a very well-known form of art.
Besides, I can't get anyone else to read them. I just hope you like them as much as I liked writing them.

Don’t leave me

Usually I have butterflies
All over my stomach.
But this time nothing’s happening.
I’m not feeling anything.

Is it because you’re almost leaving?
Or is it because I’ve finally
Put my mind into thinking
This would never work out?

The first is true.
What about the second?
Do you also think this
Would never work out?

Is that why you don’t
Talk to me anymore?

Now I’m asking you…
Don’t leave me.

Cátia Ribeiro


Greetings blogsurfers!
You must be wondering why I chose to create this blog. Well, it's very simple actually. I need somebody to talk to and I think this is a very simple way to do it. I just spill everything out and someone else reads it. It's like talking only no one listens to any one and there are no interruptions.
