quarta-feira, 14 de maio de 2008

Wish I could do things differentely,

Wish I could take back what I said,

What I did.

Wish there was a way to turn back time,

To go back to the beginning,

To change who I am.

To change everything.

To never be born.

Cátia Ribeiro

segunda-feira, 12 de maio de 2008

Placebo - Running up that hill

Esta versão dá-me arrepios, apetece-me chorar, parece que me transporta para outro sítio onde nada existe só a felicidade, onde só eu existo!

domingo, 11 de maio de 2008


Each time I cried there you were
Bringing sunshine on your smile.

But what about when I tear for you?
Will you dry those too?

Ana C. Santos

sábado, 10 de maio de 2008


If a rose changed,
Would we still call it a rose?
If a rain drop could modify itself,
Could we still recognize it?

But a rose doesn’t change,
And a rain drop can’t modify itself.

A rose simply grows,
Becomes more beautiful.
A rain drop it’s always
A rain drop.

So why do we humans
Have to change?
Sometimes, the metamorphosis
Is so deep…

I can’t even recognize
It’s like there’s a different body,
Just the same soul.

I wanna change back…

Cátia Ribeiro

domingo, 4 de maio de 2008


O poeta é um fingidor.

Finge tão completamente

Que chega a fingir que é dor

A dor que deveras sente.

E os que lêem o que escreve,

Na dor lida sentem bem,

Não as duas que ele teve,

Mas só a que eles não têm.

E assim nas calhas da roda

Gira, a entreter a razão,

Esse comboio de corda

Que se chama coração.

Fernando Pessoa

I Love You

You’ve always been there for me,
Ever since the day I was born.

I love you.

Although I don’t always appreciate that,
I know you’ve helped me
Through the bad and good times,

I love you.

We haven’t talked that much
But I hope we can change that.
I never said it,
Not even a little,
And I wanna say it.

I love you, I love you, I love you…

I know I’ll never be tired
Of saying this three words sentence:
I love you.

I really do, mom.
I love you.

Cátia Ribeiro